Respite / Short Stays

Why not come to stay with us for a short while to see what Residential Care at Avenue House feels like?  We now offer Respite / Short Stays – give us a call to find out more! 


If you are thinking of moving to a place where you can have the support and company you need as you get older, seek temporary respite care or would like to try living in a residential community for a while to see if it suits you …

The West of England Friends Housing Society, better known as Friends Housing Bristol, is open to everyone and welcomes people of any, or no, religious faith. We aim to make our houses feel like real homes. We were founded by Quakers over 50 years ago and have a continuing reputation for providing respectful and supportive care at an affordable rate.

Everybody who comes to live at Friends Housing Bristol can be sure that they will be valued as a unique person. We will do everything we can to respect your wishes, dignity, privacy and independence. We understand that living in a community sometimes means a degree of compromise, and we combine friendly informality with high standards of personal care and consideration.

We have three adjacent houses in Cotham Park North. Avenue House is a residential care home, Kirwin House and Lansdowne House has independent flats. Since they are next door to each other they form an integrated care community.  

Why not come for a trial stay at Avenue House to get a feel of what our community is like?  We offer respite / short stay care for those wondering what Residential Care might feel like, or those needing a little extra care whilst recouperating from illness or whilst their usual carers are away on holiday.  Give us a call on 0117 989 2020 to discuss if this is something you would like.  

Follow us on Facebook & Twitter to stay updated on Friends Housing Bristol news, events and more.

Tim Wye

Tim Wye

Chair of the Board of Trustees

My name is Tim and as Chair of the Board of Trustees I would like to welcome you and thank you for your interest in West of England Friends Housing.  Trustees are very involved in the service and, for example, regularly carry out quality visits.  We are proud to be Trustees of such a high quality service and hope you decide to choose us for your future care and housing needs.   In return we can promise you a high quality, personalised stay with us, provided by very dedicated and skilled staff.
Caroline Cooper

Caroline Cooper

Registered Manager

My name is Caroline and I am the registered manager at WEFHS.  I have over 20 years of experience running homes and am dedicated to providing the highest possible standards.  I am really proud of our dedicated staff, shown by the fact we have staff that have been with us for years, allowing real relationships to develop.   All this translates into a ‘Good’ rating from the Care Quality Commission.  We have been working on how we support people at the end of life and are absolutely delighted to have been recently accredited with the nationally recognized ‘Gold Standard Framework for end of life care’. This accreditation is aimed at providing the best quality care for our residents and particularly towards the end of life.

Both myself and the staff will do everything to make a stay with us a positive experience that meets your particular needs.   If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

AVENUE HOUSE: Residential Care

LANSDOWNE HOUSE: Independent Living

KIRWIN HOUSE: Independent Living